Glycol Feeders

CE Water utilizes the best dispensing products available in the market-place, (including all major brands). CE Water utilizes application-specific products based on the operation of your equipment, accuracy and reliability of the treatment equipment, customer input, and our 60+ years of experience in the field. (Products can be specified for new construction and/or replacement, as necessary.)

Glycol Feed Systems: CE Water utilizes automated, programmable glycol feed systems, designed to make-up for lost glycol in a closed loop system. It accomplishes this by monitoring system pressure. When system pressure drops below a set pressure (indicating glycol loss), the pump activates and restores the lost glycol, bringing the system pressure back to the proper operating level. Feeders are mounted welded stands for ease in shipment & installation. Your CE Water rep will specify the proper unit dependent upon operating conditions, system volume, etc.